CSVS Channeling Spirit Podcast

Welcome to the Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit (CSVS) Podcast. This platform shares the recordings from each season of live sessions that run for four days starting on 02/02, 05/05, 08/08 and 11/11. We are all incredibly grateful and honored that you are joining us for this opportunity to hear and experience the latest messages, healings and transmissions directly from Spirit. The intention for CSVS is fundamentally to give Spirit a voice and platform, for them to share with us what they believe is most relevant and helpful for all of us at this point in time, both as individuals and as a planet. If you are here, it is because your higher self and your spiritual team have helped shape what will be shared with us throughout this event. This is truly a collaborative process, with each one of us and our respective spirit teams coming together and participating in the creation of what is presented during each of these spirit-led sessions. https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net   Being Spirit ❤️ Being Human ❤️ Simply Being from Love ❤️

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Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Aurora Shele DeAngelis Being Spirit ~ How to Fully Incorporate Spirit in the Material World 06May22 at 5pm Eastern Time
Aurora Shele DeAngelis is a world and a spirit traveler. Born in Tirana (Albania) in 1988, she grew up during a civil war that shaped her childhood and made her realize the importance of free will, freedom and love. She later continued her studies in Paris (France) in 2009 where she became a computer science engineer and a QHHT practitioner and hypnotherapist as taught by Dolores Cannon in 2012. She has traveled to and has regressed people from more than 600 people in 40 different countries in 4 languages. She has friends and clients of different nationalities, backgrounds, and belief systems. In 2019 she became an experienced practitioner of ThetaHealing, tarot card reader and continues to offer her services to people all over the world. She moved to Honolulu (USA) in 2021 where she married the love of her life and continues to explore the subconscious mind and belief systems that limit us in order to make us grow, believe in ourselves more, love more and above else become the main conscious director, producer and actor in our own life. To contact and learn more: https://www.instagram.com/aurora_hypnosis
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Margo Fraser Spirit of One’s Home 06May22 at 3pm Eastern Time
Margo Fraser is a Nature Mystic and Cosmic Connector who is able to weave high vibration light messages into your Being and environment. She unmasks and releases the energetic wounds, triggers and sabotaging beliefs, conscious and unconscious, in you, or your home, that can have you running ragged, feeling off track, depleted, and confused about your purpose. She channels the Celestial healing and revitalizing nature energies and essences in collaboration with Divine Beings. Margo is a Certified Intuitive Strategist and Master Teacher with Academy for the Soul and holds a Master of Science degree. With her intuitive skills and as a Certified Human Design Professional, trained through the International Human Design School in the deepest levels of this Science of Differentiation, Margo supports clients in understanding and embodying the potent magic of their unique nature and becoming their own decision making authorities. She is honoured to facilitate empowering results best described by one of her clients; “Words can’t describe the beauty I feel inside of me…such openness and the fear has gone away….I feel stronger, I feel carefree! I feel loved! And I love!” To contact and learn more: https://www.MargoGFraser.com
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Susann Taylor Shier With Creation Anything is Possible 06May22 at 1pm Eastern Time
Susann Taylor Shier is the founder of Soul Mastery™ and an internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and medium. Susann has inspired and helped tens of thousands for over twenty-eight years, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person's inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive. She teaches six-month Soul Mastery Spiritual Coaching Certification Trainings and leads week-long retreats in remarkable locations worldwide. Using the Akashic Records, her intuitive wisdom, and her guidance collective she magically allows you to know a deep homecoming with Love, igniting infinite possibilities for your life. Her four books: Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of your Soul, Soul Radiance – Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion – The Return Home From Separation – and A Soul’s Journey to Sacred Love serve as the foundation for her unique, profound work. To contact and learn more: https://www.SoulMastery.net
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Renee Blodgett and Anthony Compagnone Masculine & Feminine Balance Meets the Multidimensional Soul 05May22 at 7pm Eastern Time
Renee and Anthony will share ancient spiritual wisdom and parallels with new developments in science. They are channelers of esoteric teachings from a collective group of ascended masters, including the energies of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. They will discuss the divine masculine and feminine balance and why it’s emerging in a significant way right now. They will also talk about the multidimensional aspect of our souls, the chakras, the auric field or as some refer to as the biofield. Learn how and why tuning into both the divine masculine and feminine and understanding your energy body can improve your mental and physical well-being. Modern mystics, channelers and healers, Renee and Anthony are the voices behind Blue Soul Earth®, which is focused on igniting global consciousness by bridging the worlds of science and spirituality. They help others transform from within by tapping into their own innate wisdom and the teachings of universal consciousness and heart-centered living. Together, they channel the ascended masters and other energies from beyond this dimension and act as vessels for both healing and teaching profound esoteric wisdom. Through their Study with Spirit® courses, workshops, and retreat experiences, their intention is to help others reach an expanded level of consciousness and to become their own ascended master. To contact and learn more: https://www.BlueSoulEarth.com
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Sandra Pelley The Importance of the Little You (Inner Child) 05May22 at 5pm Eastern Time
As Visionary of the Guide Academy, Sandra Pelley walks in two realities playing with her guides, especially her Little You (aka Inner Child) and from teaching others the core principles to connecting and communicating with their guides. This has the added benefit of increasing one’s confidence to find the magic in their life and go for it whatever “it” is. Her book, A Spiritual How-To, gives simple tools that empower you in all aspects of life. In essence, Sandra helps heart centered men and women connect with their Spirit Guides and Intuition to create abundance, joy and magic in their life.  As an intuitive soul, she brings her own experiences into her teachings. Often working in the Quantum space, she steps into a high level of awareness. Her tools facilitate healing for you, over many aspects of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions. Sandra’s Soul Readings are literally spiritual how to’s and a strong confirmation of the tools in her book, “A Spiritual How-To“ which is the cornerstone of what she brings to you and so much more… Whether stepping into singular sessions, working one on one in Sandra’s Vision Quests or in a group within her Signature Program, A Spiritual How-To, Sandra’s abilities as a galactic shaman and energy chameleon, guide her directly to the epicenters that are ready to heal, resulting in your being able to stand in your own power in health, career and relationships. To contact and learn more: https://www.sandrapelley.com
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Marilyn AlauriaStep Into Abundance Today 05May22 at 3pm Eastern Time Marilyn Alauria is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world. As the creator of Soul Finder Academy and Membership for Your Soul, she has given us a clear action plan for developing our talents, following our purpose, fulfilling our dreams and living in alignment with our souls. Marilyn teaches spirituality in a way that leads to a practical, meaningful, and joyous life—no unicorns, flying carpets, or impossible routines required. She simplifies the path to living a life of peace, ease, and alignment, making true fulfillment easy and achievable for her students. After a successful, Emmy Award-winning career in the entertainment industry with MTV and NBC Olympics, Marilyn shifted her focus to sharing her natural gifts and helping others discover their own intuitive abilities. As a psychic medium, healer, teacher, author, and speaker, she lights up audiences around the world, delivering the training and guidance needed to succeed, thrive, and prosper. To contact and learn more: https://www.MarilynAlauria.com
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play

Saturday Oct 01, 2022

Daniel Martinez StahlWelcome and Introduction (Learning to Channel, My Story) 05May22 at 1pm Eastern Time
Daniel Martinez Stahl helps people to explore and understand their spiritual journey, through spiritual regression; have it be past lives, alternate lives, the afterlife in-between lives, or otherwise. People who want to thrive in this life, with the willingness and courage to question conventional ideas and a desire to look within to access the power of their infinite potential. People who are driven to improve their life by exploring what it means to be both spirit and human; who have a curiosity about life itself, of how the mind works and about the relationship between their body, mind and spirit. Someone who is committed to shifting their experience of life into a new normal by aligning with their higher self, innate well-being and inner wisdom. He is in the process of learning how to channel Spirit and regularly shares his journey on the Spiritual Intelligence Podcast, while interviewing his featured guests. He is currently developing and practicing what is commonly referred to as conscious channeling; and he is also interested in learning how to trance channel so that he is able to offer information with the confidence that his awareness is not interfering with the given messages. To contact and for more information: https://www.LifeBeyondform.com
Join the next CSVS Live Season, beginning on 02Feb, 05May, 08Aug and 11Nov. Registration is FREE:https://www.ChannelingSpirit.net or https://www.CSVS.cc
And/or Join the Playing with Spirit Community where we speak about these topics every week and more:https://www.channelingspirit.net/play


Intention and Sacred Invitation

To the love and light of the Divine, we thank you for being with us, for loving us, guiding us and supporting us and showing us the way. We invite our guides, angels, mentors, masters, healers and loved ones into our awareness. May we all expand our consciousness and connect even more clearly with our higher selves and respective spirit teams. We invite the beings of light that help to create and maintain a safe and sacred space around us, and who help raise our vibration so that we may connect with Spirit more easily. We appreciate you all for your continued guidance, protection and loving support.


Being Spirit ❤️ Being Human ❤️ Simply Being from Love ❤️

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